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Last updated Aug 5, 2024 - 12:49 PM Visible also to unregistered users
![](file-guid:82d3e586-c5f2-49ac-859f-91c6caab2d45 "Get paid up to $100,000 for each deal you become the first to recommend on _20240804_212725_0000.png") Own part of the [Digital Shopping Mall (DSM),](https://digitalshoppingmall.net/ "Digital Shopping Mall (DSM),") its shopping vouchers, and donation vouchers for free by joining us now during the [DSM Founding Membership opportunities period](https://dsmpartners.net/founding_members/ "DSM Founding Membership opportunities period"). By joining DSM for free now during this Founding Membership opportunities period, you will receive: 1. One DSM shopping voucher (DSP) initially valued at $50,000. 2. Two donation vouchers to give to your preferred donees [in an effort to eradicate poverty worldwide](https://social.digitalshoppingmall.net/content/perma?id=68767&cd1=4&cd2=4 "in an effort to eradicate poverty worldwide"). A donation voucher has the same value as a shopping voucher. 3. For each person you invite who verifies their account during the DSM pre-launch period, you will earn one DSM shopping voucher, two donation vouchers after the vouchers are minted, an additional donation voucher whenever the donation vouchers are re-minted according to the inflationary clause, and one Founding Membership Point. 4. Additionally, your referrals, 10 generations deep, will generate [affiliate recommendation, purchase, and ad revenue share commissions](https://dsmpartners.net/ "affiliate recommendation, purchase, and ad revenue share commissions ") for you. When they recommend products and services to be added to DSM for shopping, they earn a recommendation commission for each unit of their recommended deal sold on DSM, with a cap of $100,000. You earn affiliate recommendation commissions 10 generations deep. Additionally, you will earn affiliate commissions when your referrals purchase products and services on DSM, also 10 generations deep, and receive ad revenue share commissions when your referrals earn ad revenue share for DSM ads consumed on their Streams. Your total Founding Membership Points earned during the DSM Founding Membership opportunities period, divided into DSM's global Founding Membership Points, will earn you a permanent ratio to share 10% of DSM's monthly revenues and 20% of DSM subsidiaries' annual profit after taxes. With this rare lifetime opportunity, you have a real chance of making more wealth than the owner of a larger company in your local area because of DSM's groundbreaking business model, which has [the capability to cut prices by up to 100 times (over 99% discounts)](https://social.digitalshoppingmall.net/content/perma?id=54089&cd1=4&cd2=4 "the capability to cut prices by up to 100 times (over 99% discounts)"). Additionally, you benefit from the global nature of the business portfolio you own when you own part of DSM, since DSM operates globally and across all economic sectors. DSM helps businesses worldwide sell their products and services using our price-cutting capabilities that businesses can't achieve on their own, along with DSM's unique direct commissions and affiliate program that goes 10 generations deep.