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Last updated Aug 11, 2024 - 7:33 AM Visible also to unregistered users
![](file-guid:b3cf944a-447f-4e5c-8cd7-1244e7a4f643 "Why EFM is the smartest and most invaluable asset you can have in the world_20240810_044723_0000.png") ## **Question**\: ## Bonsoir shafi , j'espère que vous allez bien ? j'aimerai savoir lorsqu'un membre fondateur de DSM n'arrive pas à parrainer quelqu'un sur DSM esquer le membre fondateur peut avoir des commissions? ## It’s transaction in English: ## Good evening, Shafi. I hope you are doing well. I would like to know if [a founding member of DSM](https://dsmpartners.net/founding_members/ "a founding member of DSM") can still receive commissions if they are unable to sponsor someone on DSM? ## **Answer**\: ## Yes, you will participate in sharing 10% of DSM's monthly revenue and 20% of the annual profit after tax from DSM subsidiaries that we establish in each country where we can legally operate. The sharing will be proportional to your Founding Membership Ratio, which you will receive at the end of our Founding Membership opportunities period. ## Additionally, our [Early Founding Members (EFMs)](https://dsmpartners.net/founding_members/ "Early Founding Members (EFMs)") are randomly assigned referrals from new members who join using DSM's direct link, i.e., without using a personal invitation link.This means you will receive referrals even if you were to pass away today, due to the assigned referrals. These are likely to be high-quality referrals because they decided to join on their own after making a firm decision, without being invited by someone else. As DSM's popularity grows worldwide, these assigned referrals will increase, while the number of EFMs will be limited to just 10,000. ## Moreover, our pioneering recommendation business model enables our members to earn commissions for each unit of their recommended deals sold on DSM, with a cap of DSPs worth $100,000 per recommended deal. Our online recommendation process is very simple and should take you no more than 5 minutes to complete. Despite its simplicity, the potential to earn significant income is unparalleled, especially if you recommend high-quality products with global demand. ## For EFMs, you will earn more through recommendation commissions because you are not limited to recommending deals worldwide. You also have the advantage of starting to recommend deals now, before the rest of the members can, except for our DSM Marketing Executives (DMEs), who are currently recommending unlimited deals but are confined to their working cities as DMEs. ## Since all your assets in DSM are inheritable by your heirs, there is no better asset you can pass on to them than EFM status. ## Currently, you can earn EFM status either by paying a $10 verification fee to verify your account, or by purchasing at least $60 worth of [Digital Shopping Points (DSPs).](https://dsmpartners.net/tokenomics/ "Digital Shopping Points (DSPs).") ## The opportunity to earn EFM status by paying the verification fee will end immediately after we install our verification software, which is expected to happen soon.